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viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

The dress problem solved; dress color is blue and black check out why...

In an attempt to solve the enigma regarding the blue with black and the white with gold dresses we found out a method to be sure of the real color.

vestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores
The dress is definitley blue and black ( more precisely violet blue with dark brown ) and not white and gold as @BradTheLadLong the troll stated along a vast number of people who have seen the picture. Why are we so sure? here we present you the method we used to find out the true color of the dress that divided the world in a half . . .

Dedicated to Taylor Swift and other insomniacs :

1. Open the image in Photoshop.

vestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores

2. Take the samples of the two colors of the dress with the eyedropper tool

vestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores

3. Go to Swatches and add the 2 colors extracted from the image.

vestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores web html marronvestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores web html viloeta

4. Go to Color and select Web Colors to find out the HTML color code ( as we can see, dark brown equals #4E3E24 y and blue equales .#688FAE )

vestido azul negro blanco dorado problema solucion colores web html codigos

5. Afterwards we went to quehay2night.com 's HTML editor and created a tabe with two cells  with the colors we found earlier.


6. This is the result. Blue and Black no doubt...

As we can see, beyond human subjectivity , something as simple as the code that every website is made of,  the HTML , shows us the true color of the polemic dress wich is blue and  an almost black brown . In conclusion , people who see this thing white with gold have severe sight issues . Taylor Swift and the rest of humanity can sleep peacefully thanks to quehay2night.com ... and ... keep the party on !